this post was submitted on 26 Feb 2025
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Great analysis you did there of the terms of use and the privacy notice! Just as soon as I read the title of the post I knew people would have a knee-jerk reaction to it. We can blame them for not actually going to read exactly what it is about, but I can't blame them for the pessimistic point of view, although it seems to be very prevalent around Lemmy where you are supposed to hate everything and everyone that does something against their opinion. I wish people would try to put more attention into not being manipulated on their opinions by every sentence they read, specially when it aligns with their beliefs.
Again, thank you for putting the effort of sharing your opinion and checking the ToU.
I feel like everyone would have the knee jerk reaction. It's how you think about it and actually respond that's important.
But that initial stomach drop feeling is pretty natural. On its own without context, that's scary af
Oh yeah, absolutely, I'd be lying if I said I didn't have that reaction. And especially related to Mozilla, for two reasons, how important I think it is in the future of the internet and how much at risk it is from any entity that would like to have control over that and break the progress of Mozilla.