this post was submitted on 26 Feb 2025
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I am so tired of feeling like I have an adversarial relationship with everything in my life
We're in the era of Sinisterization
I selfhost and use mostly FOSS and have ways of blocking 99% of ads and locally control all my IoT so if you're willing to learn then you don't have to feel that way. Because I feel in full control and in harmony with everything.
Sure, Jan. I guess you're not using a web browser to post this? Not using an app, because that would mean having an Android or Apple phone?
I think you underestimate just how shitty everything now is, even if you're putting a massive effort in by using almost exclusively FOSS and maintaining a stack of ad blockers.
It's what's known as "vulture capitalism" or "parasitic capitalism", where sociopathic kleptocrats are allowed control and treat all aspects of life as hostile and adversarial — value must be extracted and stolen from others — rather than a mutually beneficial relationship to improve and enrich the experience for everyone.
This is exemplified by the stock market and "line must go up" — the belief that stable, sustainable profits are a failure and growth must be continuous and exponential, in a planet and civilisation of finite resources, analogous to cancer.
There is even a rumor that, perhaps, no other form of capitalism truly exists.
I was about to say that just sounds like capitalism.
Hard agree. It does feel like we're entering an age where that may start to shift, though. Well, not so much a shift in the "mainstream", but it feels like we're starting to see more and more parallel products and services that have anti-enshittification built in. And I think that's our best path forward, all of us who care should work towards a parallel ecosystem that cuts these practices out as much as we can.
And be vocal about it! People are usually surprised in how I run services. Many many people won't be able to, but many people can, so let them know they don't have to be locked into paying for services.
For example "ugh Google, I hate paying for drive every month"
What do you use it for?
Why not just an external hard drive then, or there are more expandable options out there.
This!!!! All this!