this post was submitted on 26 Feb 2025
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LibreWolf has the on-machine translation and when you disable some of the hardcore privacy defaults it is a quite good Firefox replacement.
Why are none of these Firefox alternatives in my distro's repository?
Nix, Guix, and Flatpak have Librewolf so you can use one of them
Bad distro? They are in mine 🤷♂️
But has no mobile version effectively making it useless.
Firefox Desktop doesn't have a mobile version, they just call an entirely separate codebase for the mobile version Firefox as well. If you want a mobile alternative there is Fennec.
Just use something else on mobile. I use mull (until it becomes insecure because I think they stopped working on it) and fennec.
Fennec supports extensions and syncing so it should be okay for most use cases.
IronFox is a fork of Mull when you decide it's time.
please consider switching to ironfox, it's a mull fork
I need sync...
You can selfhost it too.
Fennec and Librewolf support logging into a Firefox account and thus sync. However, that obviously partially brings you back to the Mozilla problem...