this post was submitted on 26 Feb 2025
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I await to see technical enforcement of it. Anyone can write rules on a piece of paper, but without collecting information physically, or having someone enforce it, it's useless words. And so far it seems a lot of people and companies make rules and claims without technological enforcement.
I imagine though at worst you can simply block all of mozilla's domains through /etc/hosts and their IPs or IP range with a firewall rule. Still sucks but you do not need to comply with it, no matter what anyone says. It's the technical aspects that are the most thorny, not the words on a page.
By reading this comment you hearby agree to send Draconic NEO no less than $400 in the currency of AnimalCrossing bells, applies for each time you read it, and re-reads of words also count. You will also be required to stand on your head for 30 minutes for every instance of reading this comment or re-reading a word. Compliance with these terms is mandatory.
Of course the implementation itself matters more than the promise to implement it, but the one is specifically intended to lead to the other. We shouldn't be saying, ho-hum, they're only threatening to f*** with our privacy in the future, when in fact this is the step before they actually do that.
I’m curious about the conversion rate from USD to Bells, and also which AC version it’s applicable to. /lh /hj
It's roughly equivalent to JPY, at the time of the game's original Japanese release. For ports or Localizations they'll be largely the same as their original Japanese counterparts.
Some things in the games are skewed incredibly optimistically, like housing and renovations.
Furniture, decoration, and clothing costs are relatively accurate though.