Last Epoch

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A community for Last Epoch, an arpg by Eleventh Hour Games.


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founded 1 year ago
Last Epoch Hotfix (
submitted 7 months ago by [email protected] to c/lastepoch
submitted 8 months ago by Dark_Arc to c/lastepoch

Hi folks,

I reached out to the Lemmy admins about taking over the community from the previous moderator (as they'd become inactive).

I'm not making any big changes or anything. The biggest news is that I will be hooking up [email protected] (which you may have seen in other gaming communities, some I moderate some I don't ๐Ÿ™‚) to post Last Epoch news and keep the community up to date!

I'll work on getting a banner up and an icon in the coming days to make things look a bit nicer around these parts as well.

Thanks for reading, I hope you find Auto Post Bot helpful going forward, and hope everyone has a great day!

RMT and Exploit Statement (
submitted 8 months ago by [email protected] to c/lastepoch
Patch 1.0.5 is out (
submitted 8 months ago by [email protected] to c/lastepoch

Today's patch fixes several skill and UI related bugs, has improvements to monolith visuals and performance, and more.

Just picked up the game (
submitted 8 months ago by [email protected] to c/lastepoch

Hey, just picked this up finally a few days ago and I'm loving it so far. I've played Diablo and a bit of Torchlight but never PoE. So there's a few things that are a little confusing to me but I'm enjoying it. I'm near the end of the campaign or at least I think I am. Playing a lich so far, I've tried out a shaman, paladin, and runemaster. But lich and shaman are my favorite so far.

I'm trying not to follow any guides so far. I've looked at a few to get ideas but I'm trying to just enjoy the leveling. I think I respec too often though. I keep running out of money trying to shatter things, respec, and buying stash tabs.

I don't have much more to say just saw the community and it was pretty quiet so I figured I'd make a post, see if people are around and maybe find some people to ask questions to if there's anyone watching the community here.


Can confirm Lagon hits


Just want to get some general discussion going :D

As for me, I've played a necrotic spell Warlock, seems bonkers strong, even though I barely have good equipment.

Also, I've finally y managed to get into a faction, the Circle of Fortune. Seems very nice so far.


Last Epoch had been on my radar ever since it was on Kickstarter but I didn't back it at the time. It's been on my wishlist for a while and initially wanted to wait until release, but now that it's so close to releasing and because of the many positive reviews I decided to get it this week and I've been having tons of fun so far.

I already respected a few times just to try different variations of my build and I've been having a blast. I also really like how I can organise the stash tabs and set up custom loot filters in this game.

I know the current build we're playing is an older one but I'm surprised at how polished the game feels. I haven't encountered any game breaking bugs so far (though I did report a number of small bugs I encountered here and there) and if this is what early access for the game is like I'm really looking forward to seeing what they've done for 1.0.

I'm really looking forward to the 2 new classes. Especially the warlock! The trade factions also seem very interesting and unique.

What are you looking forward to the most, or hoping to see, in 1.0 or a future update?