The Black Sea

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A multilingual community discussing everything related to the Black Sea and its surrounding environment: ecology, culture, science, economy, politics. Discussion is welcome in any of the languages of the peoples around the Black Sea.

#BlackSea #ЧерноМоре #Karadeniz #MareaNeagra #შავიზღვა #ЧорнеМоре #ЧерноеМоре

founded 6 months ago

Според източници на "Дневник" в Министерството на транспорта и информационните технологии, пожелали анонимност, тези зони би трябвало да са под непрекъснатия контрол на Гранична полиция и Агенция "Митници". Двете институции носят отговорността съответно за спазване на граничните и митнически режими. Пак задължение на държавата е да следи за спазването на санкциите, наложени от Европейския съюз за търговия с руски петрол.

Обаче на нашите явно им изнася да си затварят очите.


In many places, conservation projects are bringing back animals that fell from favour as livestock in the 20th Century. In Ukraine's Danube Delta, a breed of Carpathian buffalo was employed as an all-purpose "living tractor" for centuries until the Soviet Union implemented mechanised collective farming in the 1930s. By the turn of the millennium, their numbers had dwindled. But two Ukrainian projects have restocked the herd to help bring wetlands back to an island in the Danube, which had been drained for farming, and support the return of rare daffodil species.

In Turkey, some 500 miles (800km) along the Black Sea coast from Kızılırmak, abandoned 20th Century coal mines have been filled with rainwater. For decades, local herders, who farm buffalo for their milk, released the animals to traverse this area carving channels between pits for fish, frogs and other species, which in turn fed the area's flocks of migrating birds, explains artist Alon Schwabe. Schwabe co-leads Cooking Sections, a London-based creative duo that has researched the Istanbul marshes and organised a yearly water buffalo festival to highlight the herding communities' struggle for survival in the face of Istanbul's sprawling development.


The Turkish Black Sea coast is an underexplored gem


Hundreds of Venetian glass objects found in Chengene Skele Bay

The glass artifacts were found at a depth of 6.5 to eight feet. Researchers believe the glass vessels were likely manufactured sometime in the late 16th century or early 17th century in a workshop on the Venetian island of Murano.
The glass vessels provide some insight into the "consumption, trade, and production of glass in the Balkans during the Late Ottoman Period."


The project envisions the implementation of a high-voltage underwater transmission network to connect the electrical energy systems of Georgia and Europe. It aims to contribute to strengthening energy security in Europe and the Caucasus region, fostering the development of the renewable energy sector, and increasing transit opportunities between the specified regions.


UkrFerry postpones planned resuming of ferry services to Georgia

"The company said last month it planned to resume services departing from the Black Sea port of Chornomorsk from July 9. The voyage was scheduled to arrive in Georgia on July 12. The current timetable shows that the service now is planned for July 24. The company gave no explanation for the delay."


Компаниите не уточняват кога ще бъде подновена работата на фериботната линия.

"Грузинските железници" отбелязват, че услугата беше прекратена преди две години, след като изтече предишното споразумение, макар че тя има много важна роля за превоза на товари през жп коридорите в региона.


Правосъдието на Пеевски отмени защитена зона в акваторията на Черно море

> „Да искаш от закон, приет през 1998 г., да има разпоредби, уреждащи връзки с кодекс, приет през 2006 г. е нелогично. Ако съдът счита, че има проблем в прилагането на двата закона, е длъжен да поиска тълкувателно решение на колегията на ВАС, а не да дописва законите “, коментира още Белев.


submitted 3 months ago by mapto to c/blacksea

In May, the color of the Black Sea began to change, and according to scientists, this was due to the massive reproduction of phytoplankton. Now, in the images from space, it is not dark blue, but emerald green.


Submarine drones study the shipwrecks of the Black Sea

>More than 40 shipwrecks dating across a millennium were identified. The earliest is from the 800s, during the Byzantine Empire, and the rest largely date from when the sea was under Ottoman rule, from the 14th to the 19th centuries.
>Thanks to its deep, oxygen-starved waters, the Black Sea has preserved huge numbers of wrecks, and now [...] people on the surface can see them up close.



Georgia announced that a Chinese consortium submitted the sole bid to build a sprawling deep-sea port in Anaklia, marking the first megaproject on the Black Sea coast to be built and operated by Chinese firms.


The Trans-Black-Sea Transport Route (TITR) is booming

Trade along the Middle Corridor grew from 530,000 tons in 2021 to 2.3 million tons in 2023. In the first six months of 2023, the TITR had reported a 77 percent increase in tonnage over the same time period in 2022, while Northern Corridor tonnage fell by 56 percent.

One source even reported that TITR has only 5 percent of the Northern Corridor’s capacity.


#Batumi #Georgia #Protests #RussianLaw


Новини за руски черноморски флот, по света и у нас

Новините на английски от разнообразни източници тръбят щетите и оттеглянето на флота. В възхваляват производството на още два катера. Двата свята не намират допирни точки.

#СлаваУкраїні vs #русофили



Подводните руини на Созопол и в Treasures of the world на Brittany Hughes/Viasat

Районът живее в конфликт между руини трупани от ранната бронзова епоха и съвременна търговска употреба. При това изглежда, че крехката природа остава на заден план.



Romania’s role within the EU gains increasing significance as the 2027 deadline approaches when Romania will become Europe’s number-one natural gas producer.

Offshore natural gas extracted from the Black Sea will be, for the coming decades, a central piece in the puzzle of European energy security as a whole.


With a designed capacity of 3 GW and 126 kilometers in length, it would be the first power corridor permitted in the Romanian Black Sea, BSOG said last year, adding that it expected the completion of regulatory procedures by mid-2024.


Кораби „кацат“ на лунодром в Русия – смущенията на GPS сигналите в Черно море

"Русия активно и постоянно заглушава GPS комуникациите, което засяга търговските кораби в румънските териториални води и създава сериозен риск от сблъсъци"

"Съмнения за външна намеса имаше и при скорошен инцидент край Шабла, при който се сблъскаха SLAVYANIN и NEW RAOUF, но те не бяха доказани."



Against Europe’s largest gas project and a major threat to the fragile Black Sea ecosystem

Whereas this particular event has passed, there is still hope and the campaign continues.



38 г. след аварията в Чернобил героите са забравени или унижени

Побиват те тръпки, като ги четеш. Единият пита другия: „Тук в програмата е написано какво трябва да се направи, но след това много неща са задраскани, какво да правя?“ Вторият се замисля малко: „Действай според задрасканото!“



Кампанията „Живо Черно море“ на Greenpeace

@blacksea @greenpeace @GreenpeaceEU

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